Hello, I am Lucie Hautreux.

All I've ever wanted was to be FREE...

The Freedom to do me!

In a world where uncertainty is a constant companion, I've mastered the art of navigating life's changes, refusing to accept suffering as the status quo and consistently choosing to rediscover the light. My journey began when I left home at 19, promising myself that 'money will never be the reason I can't live my dreams.'

With a prestigious Master's degree in Business Administration, specializing in Finance and Cost Controlling, earned with honors from Excelia La Rochelle Business School, I embarked on a global career as a Financial Controller. Over the years, I've discovered that numbers are not just data; they're my most reliable ally.

I've seen how money worries people and creates conflicts within families, which is why I'm passionate about helping individuals master their finances.

In times of crisis and transformation, I've turned to numbers to chart a safe course:

  • Leaving an undervalued corporate role in France to pursue opportunities abroad.

  • Escaping a toxic relationship in Vietnam, finding sanctuary in Bali.

  • Navigating away from a toxic workplace environment while remaining grounded in Australia.

  • Pivoting my business online after facing a 90% revenue loss during a pandemic.

  • Taking extended breaks for self-healing and self-love after a burnout.

  • Shifting my business model to harmonize with my nomadic lifestyle.

Numbers have become my closest confidant, enabling me to navigate life's most trying moments. Let me show you how they can do the same for you, illuminating your path to a brighter, happier future while allowing you to master your finances and find peace within all your relationships.

Numbers made easy.

I'm Lucie HAUTREUX, also known as The Frenchie!

For the past decade, I've been a citizen of the World, living abroad mostly on my own. Speaking four languages, I've come to understand the unique challenges that internationals face when transitioning to a more fulfilling life without sacrificing their lifestyle. Whether it's transitioning from an existing business to a new one, from employee status to entrepreneur, or relocating from one country to another, I've experienced it all.

With 15 years of experience, I specialize in helping people transform their lives with the power of numbers. My goal is to guide them in taking action and to ensure they never feel alone on their journey. I provide the tools, strategies, and support they need to make confident decisions and take control of their lives.

My mission is to authentically empower Business Leaders to:

  • Clarify their vision

  • Find more time

  • Make aligned decisions

  • Achieve financial independence and control

  • Elevate their mindset to infinite possibilities

  • Gain more confidence in themselves

  • Experience the freedom to be their authentic selves!

I'm here to offer you a path to Freedom that's all about simplicity, ease, and genuine care.

My 5-step Proven Me brings your vision to life by putting YOU at the centre of your Business and Personal life.

  • If you don’t know the Direction, you will be lost on the way. We will start by clarifying your vision and set the destination in the GPS!

  • From a vision into a reality, you need a plan with some clear steps to make it happen. I will support you in this process to be prepared and analyse the risks.

  • Money is the #1 reason that most people don’t go to their next chapter. Together we will add numbers to your vision in order to bring it to life.

  • You are ready to go. It’s time for action. I will help you release the roadblocks. Once it’s done, you will be empowered and ready to start making it happen!

  • Once you start implementing the Plan, reviewing data and assessing the progress are necessary for your success. You will know how to make bold decisions for the next steps. It’s why we Date our Finances.


Why Date Your Finances?

French accent and Finances, this is the minimum that you will get with me. Check out this 2-min video and uncover the story of Date Your Finances!

10 Facts about me:

  • Frenchie & a Citizen of the World, lived in 5+ countries & 10 years overseas

  • Speak: French, English, Spanish, Indonesian

  • Graduated with honours: Master in Business Administration & Financial Control (MBA)

  • Love to play with Numbers & Simplify complex systems

  • Passionate about Personal Growth & Positive Psychology

  • Celebrating Life Formula: Friends, French Crepes & Champagne

  • Elements: Sun & Water, never too far from the beach

  • Secret Weapon: my ability to Pause & Act

  • Magic Wand: Design solutions to problems

  • My Why: Family Matters, creator of Meaningful & Trusted relationships

Smoothly transition towards a new chapter, for the greater! — and I’m here to help you making it happen.

Book a call with me

If you are currently reading this and looking for a way to upgrade your life without losing it all, let’s have a discovery call to get to know each other and how I can support you.