Why We Want More Money

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Do you desire more money? Welcome to the first episode of my Financial Fridays series, where today I dive into why we want more money. I often hear people say, "I need more money" or "I want more money." My response is always the same: How much more? How much money is enough? The surprising reality is that most people don’t have a clear answer. They’re working hard to earn more without truly knowing the amount that would bring them contentment.

In this episode, I explore our desire for more money and encourage you to define what "enough" really means for you. I’ll discuss how corporate pressures influence spending habits and why tracking expenses is a powerful form of self-empowerment. By clarifying your personal motivations—whether it’s buying a home, elevating your lifestyle, or achieving financial freedom—you can gain a clearer picture of your financial goals.

Listen in now to discover strategies for assessing your financial goals and learn how to negotiate salaries or pursue additional income with intention. This shift towards purposeful living paves the way for greater financial security and fulfillment.

The Pursuit of More Money

Welcome to the first episode of my Financial Fridays series, where we dive into the question: Why do we want more money?

I often hear people say, 'I need more money' or 'I want more money.' But my follow-up question is always, how much more? How much money is enough? And I’m often surprised that most people can’t answer that. They don’t know how much they actually need to feel satisfied.

If you find yourself working hard to earn more without a clear goal of how much you want or need, you’re not alone. Many people are caught in this cycle. The key is figuring out what 'enough' really means for you.

In today’s world, we’re often caught in a corporate race—moving from job to job, chasing promotions, earning more money, and as a result, spending more money. Our lifestyle tends to rise with our income, which can lead to more stress and uncertainty about how much is truly necessary.

So, let’s explore how to break free from this cycle and define what financial satisfaction looks like for you.

Understanding Your Financial Needs

First, give yourself credit for being here today and being ready to change your relationship with your finances. The question of 'How much money do I need?' is a big one, so where do you start?

Step one is simply facing your finances. I know some people avoid this, thinking, 'I make enough, I spend a lot, but it’s fine—I don’t want to see the details.' But the key is to really understand where your money is going.

Step two is taking the time to examine your expenses. Yes, you need to 'date your finances'—get to know them better. Where is your money going every month? The goal isn’t to feel guilty but to empower yourself with knowledge. How much are you spending on rent, groceries, dining out, entertainment, and holidays? When you know where your money is going, you gain power through awareness.

Step three is understanding why you want more money. What’s the purpose? Is it to buy a home, start a family, or simply add comfort to your life? It’s perfectly okay to want more comfort, but ask yourself, 'Why do I want more money, and how would I spend it?' This clarity is key.

Step four is figuring out what your dream costs. For example, if your goal is to own a home, think about what that looks like for you. Maybe it’s a house with a garden because you’re not interested in apartment living. Don’t worry about what you think you can afford right now—focus on what you truly want. Do some research. Look at properties, visit agencies, and determine how much money you need for your dream home. What’s essential to you—a balcony, two or three bedrooms, a garden? Knowing the price tag helps you understand the gap between where you are now and where you need to be.

Once you know how much your dream costs, you can start planning. Maybe you’ll need to save more each month or aim for a salary increase of 10-20% to put towards that goal. Now you have a clear target, which makes negotiating a raise or finding additional income more purposeful. Instead of just thinking, 'I need more money,' you’re thinking, 'I need more money because I want that house.' This focus will guide your financial decisions. Maybe you’ll dedicate 20-30% of your income to your goal, and every time you think about spending, you’ll remember that dream. I promise, that when you have a clear vision and stay focused, you’ll achieve your goal faster than you imagine.

To listen to the full conversation of today’s Financial Friday, tune in on your favorite podcast platform.

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Lucie Hautreux

Meet Lucie Hautreux, your trusted financial expert with 15+ years of experience. Passionate about holistic life management and work-life balance, Lucie empowers heart-centred entrepreneurs to thrive.

With her guidance, you'll simplify complexities, find balance, and achieve freedom. Elevate your business with Lucie's expertise and embrace a life of abundance and harmony.

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